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massage therapy

Massage or massage therapy can be in katakana as one who's oldest healing tradition. In many cultures including ancient Greece, Egypt, China and India, believes that massage theerdasarrapy always used to cure various kinds penyakit.Kulit is the largest organ of the human body and filled with nerve endings. Where other than leather, massage therapy / Massage also works with the muscles soften and produce relaxation is particularly effective in addressing complaints circulatory disorders, for example, headache usually occurs extremely protracted, because of the pain it makes people feel stiff in the muscles attacked. This ultimately will lead to even more pain in the organs lainnya.Tepat if massage performed on the neck and shoulders slowly to release pressure on the muscles and reduce the sense of sakit.Macam-range disorder / modern keluhanPenelitian menunjukkn that massage can be used to overcome various disorders, including:

* Ancietas / Anxiety
* Arthritis / Inflammation
* Back pain (Upper and Low Back Pain)
* Chronic Pain
* Constipation / difficult bowel movement
* Depression
* Headaches
* High Blood Pressure
* Insomnia
One of thorough relaxation of the direct benefits felt by massage therapy is an overall feeling of relaxation and tranquility. This happens because the massage is to trigger the release of Endorphins, Brain Chemical Substances (Neuro-Transmitter), which produces a feeling of comfort. Stress hormone levels, such as: Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norephinefrine must also be reduced. Research shows that high levels of stress hormones can reduce the immune system in tubuh.Beberapa physical benefits of massage therapy include:

* Reduces Pressure on Muscle
* Improves Blood Circulation
* Stimulate System Lymfatik
* Reduces Stress Hormones
* Improve Mobility & Flexibility of joints
* Refreshes the skin surface to make it look brighter.
* Accelerate the healing of the injury to the soft tissues.
* Increase mental alertness
* Reduce kegelisahaan and depression


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